
To book a viewing in one of our reading rooms or to pay for an archive to be digitised you’ll need to login using RealMe. 

If you have a RealMe® login (username and password)

When logging in for the first time, you will need to register your details in our Collections search.

Here are the steps you’ll need to follow.

Step one

Access the Sign in and click on Sign up here.

This will take you to our Collections search registration page.

Step two

Enter your details.  You must complete the boxes with an * beside them.

Once you’ve added your details you’ll need to ‘Login or create an account’. 

Step three

Login to RealMe


Step four

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll come back to the Collections search registration details page where you’ll need to tick the user agreement box and create your account.


Logging in once your registration is complete

Once you’ve created the account you’ll be able to login with your RealMe account using the sign in button in the top right-hand corner.

Creating a RealMe login

To use our services you need a RealMe login.

You will need to provide an email address, which will be confirmed via a six-digit code, a username and password, your contact details, and three security questions.  The RealMe team can use your security question if you forget your password or username to help you regain access.

Please follow the steps below to create your account in the Collections search and create a RealMe login.

Step one

Access the Sign in and click on Sign up here.

This will take you to our Collections search registration page.

Step two

Enter your details.  You must complete the boxes with an * beside them.

Once you’ve completed the registration details you will be directed to the RealMe login.

Step three

Please select ‘Create a RealMe login’ to create your account.


Step four

Enter your details and follow the RealMe instructions.

When you enter in your email address please click the ‘Send Code’.  You will receive an email with a confirmation code, please enter the code and choose your password.

Please answer the security questions.

Once your RealMe login has been created you’ll be sent back to the Registration details screen where you will need to press ‘Create account’.

International Customers

You'll be able to search for items without logging in.  If you want to order a digital copy you need a RealMe account.  You can create a RealMe login from anywhere in the world. 

To register you'll need to provide:

  • your email address and other contact details
  • a username and password
  • answers to 3 security questions, in case you forget your username or password.

You can create a RealMe login by following these instructions creating a RealMe login.

Ordering on behalf of a government agency

If you order on behalf of a government agency, the way you order items won’t change. RealMe is for individual users only.